Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Cj Kolb is in charge of the Hospitality at the Championships West.

She makes sure all Horse management team,  organizers, Judges, and volunteers are fed and hydrated. She always has snacks and cookies and cold drinks available in the hospitality suites. She brings muffins, hard boiled eggs, yogurt and cheese for breakfast, sandwiches, salads and fruits for lunch. There is always ice cold drinks there. She must spend a lot of time at the grocery store.

Awards day

Lots of activity on Tuesday.

The Dressage competitors showed off their Musical Freestyle. The tetrathlon competitors did their shooting phase in Stanford. More games and more show jumping.  All of them had their Awards ceremony. Dressage awards were the last one in the row. The competitors were on horse back and did a victory lap (first at a trot and then at a canter ,  I think the horses were tired.)  I have lots of pictures.

Games comeptitors got a Pinata. I don't have photos of that. 

Tara Davis rides again

Even in the middle of all the activity of Champs West there was one competitor that all moms talked about. It was Tara Davis. She is a Dressage competitor from Mid Cal region. Her mom Fiona Davis was walking around the Champs grounds with a news paper that carried an article about Tara. It read "Tara rides again". Here is a link to it in San Mateo Journal.

Tara Davis from Moon Valley Pony Club - Middle California Region

Tara was diagnosed with leukemia two years ago. She has had a treaments since then. She is feeling better now and is able to ride. She did a great job on the Mid Cal team.

I didn't get to talk to her. But I thought you should atleast read the article that was published.

Her mom and dad are very happy she is doing well. She is going to go through with the last part of her treament after the championships. Good luck Tara!

Fiona Davis - Tara's mom